Public Information Request Form
Effective September 1, 2019, pursuant to section 552.234 of the Government Code, a person may make a request for public information only by delivering the request by one of the following methods to the governmental body's public information officer or the officer's designee:
- United States mail;
- electronic mail;
- hand delivery;
- or any other method approved by the governing body.
Your written request needs to be information already in existance. A governmental body is not required to answer questions, perform legal research, or create new information in response to your request. See the District's Open Records Request form for fee information.
If you have purchased property with an existing water well, complete and submit the Transfer of Ownership form to the District. For a permitted well, the new owner must submit a Transfer of Ownership form within 60 days of purchase.
Notice to Purchaser Form for Realtors
This form may be used for real estate transactions.
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Water Sample Information Form
Let the pump operate ten minutes to an hour before collecting sample. Take the sample as close to the pump as possible. Note: Testing is completed by the Texas A&M lab, not CCGCD.